Thursday 4 June 2015

Waikiki Beach Case Study

1) The erosion on Waikiki Beach caused by all the mand-mde structures on the coastline has had effects on the beach itself. For instance, it has created a concrete slab with sharp edges that could harm he people. There has been a lot of sand that has vanished from Waikiki beach because of erosion. This loss of sand has also led to over 10 replenishment projects being drawn up over the past several decades.

2) They have added sand many times in attempt to make the beach bigger and safer. There is a recycling program which offers a more efficient method for maintaining a recreational beach while mitigating some of the environmental effects of imported sand to the Waikiki ecosystem. I believe it hasn't been very effective since they have had to replenish the sand many times over many years, I believe they need to find new ways of stopping the erosion.

Social: People would not be very attracted to Waikiki beach anymore and people who live in the area would loose interest in visiting the beach and its near attractions. A loss on tourism and jobs could lead to making it very hard to be have some financial stability.
Environment: The environment could be greatly effected, if the cement slabs were to break away it could make it very unsafe in the water off the beach and the parts of buildings and side walk they protect could also start to erode. The plants along the beach and sea life in the water could start to die off.
Economic: The economic impacts of erosion on Waikiki Beach can be grave. If the erosion continues, the area could suffer a loss of $2 billion from the tourism industry. The loss of tax revenue could be over $150 million and there could also be a lot of jobs lost, as it could read over 5,000 jobs lost.

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